2024 LA City College Women's Volleyball News

LACC vs Mt Sac 11/13/24
Cubs Fall in Both Games of Doubleheader Against Mt. SAC
LACC vs Rio 11/8/24
Cubs Celebrate Sophomores
LACC vs East LA 11/6/24
Cubs defeated by East Los Angeles
LACC vs LA Harbor 10/30/24
Cubs fight hard, come up short
Cubs defeated by Long Beach
Cubs defeated by Long Beach
LACC vs Cerritos 1 10/23/25
Cubs fall short to Cerritos
LACC vs Pasadena 10/18/24
Cubs fall to Pasadena
LACC @ Rio Hondo 10/11/24
Cubs defeated by Rio Hondo
LACC @ ELAC 10/9/24
Huskies take down the Cubs
LACC Vs West LA 10/3/24
Cubs fall in straight sets to West LA
LACC vs El Camino 10/2/24
Cubs defeated by El Camino
Cubs fall to Compton
Cubs fall to Compton
LACC vs Cerro Coso 9/21/24
Cubs drop match to Cerro Coso
LACC vs Cerro Coso 9/21/24
Cubs fall to Victor Valley
LACC vs Cerro Coso 9/21/24
Cubs defeated by Glendale
LACC  vs Copper Mountain 9/14/24
Cubs earn first win of the season